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Mark Your Calendars for Our March 11 Annual Meeting

March 10, 2025

87th Annual Meeting. Join us at 5 pm HST Tuesday, March 11. All online and in-person attendees are eligible to win in our random prize drawings.

Our Annual Meeting will be called to order at 5 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time Tuesday, March 11, and will be an online and in-person combination for the third year in a row.
As usual, we will have exciting prize drawings after the meeting.

The meeting will be administered online through independent third-party CU Ballot, which has assisted in our previous online Annual Meetings.

Joining online

When signing in to the meeting on March 11, you must fill in your birthdate and last five digits of your Social Security Number. All primary members (at least $5 in a savings account) are welcome to virtually attend. 

You may log on through your home computer, laptop or mobile device beginning at 4:30 p.m. HST March 11; you will be placed in a “waiting room” until the meeting begins at 5 p.m. HST.

Join the Meeting Online

In-person attendance - All seats are filled!

Please join us Online.

The meeting

Members will be able to see and hear our presenters, Board Chair Gary Iwai and President & CEO Vince Otsuka. Online attendees’ images will NOT be on screen and all attendees will be automatically muted to prevent confusion.

Online attendees may ask questions by typing them on their computers or mobile devices; in-person attendees may also ask questions. Attendees also will be asked to vote on the Minutes of the 2024 Annual Meeting -- the Minutes are included in our 2024 Annual Report. Click here.

Those attending virtually and in person will be included in the random prize drawings announced after the business portion of the meeting. 

Board of Directors 

Balloting for the Board of Directors will not be necessary as there are two nominees for the two available seats. They are, in alphabetical order by surname:

  • Sam Moku, who was a director from 2013 to 2021
  • Robert Morita, who is currently secretary of the board and a director since 2013