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Enter our Annual Calendar Photo Contest

June 20, 2024

Our 2025 calendar theme: 'Food for the Soul'

Popo’s beef stew … uncle’s giant BBQ burgers … mom’s special Portuguese bean soup … the neighborhood mom-and-pop’s plate lunch special, gravy all over.

Food, glorious food! It gives us comfort, brings back the warmest memories, fills our heart, fills our soul.

Send us your best photo of the food – homemade, go-to restaurant dish, etc. – that brings joy, comfort or fond memories (maybe all three!) into your life. You could win $200 and bragging rights as we feature your photo in our 2025 wall calendar.

All entries must be high res and in horizontal or landscape form.

In addition, please submit a paragraph explaining the photo and how it represents the theme of the calendar, “Food for the Soul.”

The contest is open to all primary and joint members of all ages. Entries must be emailed; paper copies are not eligible.

The deadline to enter is Monday, September 9. Winners will be announced in late October.

The official rules and entry form are here.